Thursday, June 09, 2011

Jesus Is Here With Us, So We Now Have Complete Freedom

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). 2 Corinthians 3:17

You ask most Christians and they will tell you that they cannot wait to get to Heaven so that they can finally be set free. When the glorious Truth is that we have already been set free. Where Jesus’ Spirit is, there is liberty and freedom. We are now free from the power of sin, the presence of sin, the penalty of sin, and the pleasure of sin. Jesus has completely liberated us from the bondage of sin.

She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God]. Matthew 1:21

It is Jesus’ responsibility to keep you and I from failing. Jesus has taken on the servants towel and He alone washes the dirt from us. Jesus is with us right now and right now we have and enjoy all of the freedom that Christ has to offer. There is no more freedom from sin for us in Heaven then there is for us on this earth. We will be no more saved when Jesus returns then we are right now. Jesus’ Blood is not weakened by the earth or our flesh. It provides the same level of redemption whether we are here with flesh or in heaven with only our spirits. In Christ there is complete and total freedom and liberty. Faith comes for us by hearing this Truth and this Truth sets us free!


P.A.T.C. said...

Hi , its me again, another question,We are told that it is all about Christ,so what is the purpose of us? We are to die daily and christ live in us, so what is the point of this life for us personally if who we are is to be taken over by Christ? I am confused by this.If we are to become Him then what is the point of humanity?It just does not make any sense to me. can you help me in this? thank you

Brad said...

Our purpose is so that our Father may have fellowship with us. That is why man was made. Our Father wanted us and I think that He actually needed us to have an enriched existence.

Christ is more than just Jesus. Christ includes Jesus, He is the Head of Christ, but it also includes all of us, the body of Christ. So our purpose is to serve the body of Christ. Just as with our own body, there are many parts. We have hands, legs, fingers, eyes, etc. etc. They all are one, yet they all do different things.

So to help, just think of your own body and how it is many things, yet it all works as one. Now here is the cool thing, we get to be used by our Father to serve out His plans and purposes. God didn't need us, He wanted us and He wanted us to be part of Him. So He uses us to serve each other. Just as we use our hands to serve our hearts and our eyes to serve our legs. We are all parts that help the other parts. We are all one in Christ and we all are used to serve the One.

I hope this helps and thank you for the comment.


Daniel said...

I am very impressed by the teaching and revelation of the ward of God that you have.And, I am so happy to read your message on the blessed me and let God bless you abundantly.
Daniel D.

Brad said...

Thanks Daniel. I appreciate you taking the time to write a comment. I am grateful for all that our Father is showing us and I hope that He continues to use us to teach the world the Truth that will set us all free.
