Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Revelation 7:13-14

13 Then, addressing me, one of the elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] said, Who are these [people] clothed in the long white robes? And from where have they come? 
14 I replied, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are they who have come out of the great tribulation (persecution), and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
There are a couple of key points here, the first being that verse 9 tells us that these people stand before the Throne, they are not in the Throne. We are told in Ephesians 2:6 that the Bride has been raised up together and made to sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Jesus sits on the Throne, at the right Hand of the Father. We are now and forevermore one with Jesus. We are flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. But we are told that these people are before the Throne, not in the Throne as the Bride is. 
We are also told that they came out of the Great Tribulation. The Truth is that the Great Tribulation is the wrath of our Father being poured out on His disobedient children. Our Father’s wrath is not for the Bride of Christ, it is only for the disobedient, 1 Thessalonians 5:9. The Bride has only been appointed to our Father’s righteousness through Christ, not His wrath. These people came out of His wrath though. 
We are told that these people have been gathered from every nation of the earth. There are so many of them that they cannot be counted and they all have come out of the Great Tribulation. These people are no longer the recipients of our Father’s Wrath, they have come out of His Tribulation! Which means that they were in His Tribulation, but now they are removed from it. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:14 that many are called to be His Bride but only a few are chosen to be. So these people have to be something other than the Bride, because they cannot be counted, there are untold billions of them, not just a few. But amen the Blood of Christ still applies to them and they are still able to hold the palm branches and proclaim the glory of Jesus and all of Heaven rejoices over them. 
These untold billions of people have to be the guests of the Bride.  
And those servants went out on the crossroads and got together as many as they found, both bad and good, so [the room in which] the wedding feast [was held] was filled with guests. Matthew 22:10
Heaven is filled with guests of Christ and the Bride of Christ. The Bride is seated in the Throne with our Husband, Jesus, ruling along with Him for all of eternity, Revelation 20:4. The guests are before the Throne. The Blood of Jesus has allowed us all to be there, in whatever capacity. This is the glory of what Jesus accomplished for our Father: all men are saved and all men have the knowledge of the Truth. Heaven would not be rejoicing if untold billions of people were being thrown into Hell to suffer for all of eternity. What joy would there be in that? What type of beings would we all be if we rejoiced at such suffering. No that is not why we rejoice, all Heaven rejoices because even those who were in the Great Tribulation are able to come out of it through the Blood of Christ. Where sin abounded our Father’s Grace much more abounded, Romans 5:20. These people may have to go though the fire, or Hades, to get there, but amen they will be there. 
But if any person’s work is burned up [under the test], he will suffer the loss [of it all, losing his reward], though he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has passed] through fire. 1 Corinthians 3:15

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