Sunday, August 19, 2012

Revelation 17:2-3

2 [She] with whom the rulers of the earth have joined in prostitution (idolatry) and with the wine of whose immorality (idolatry) the inhabitants of the earth have become intoxicated.

During the last days of this world, the anti-christ, who I honestly believe will be the the last Pope, and the false prophet, who will be the last American President, will join forces. The world’s economy will be headed up by these two instruments of our Father's wrath. But amen, even though we will be in this world, we will not be of this world, John 17:16. John is told here that the rulers of the world will have joined in these two’s prostitution. Now think about what prostitution and immorality would be to God? Prostitution to our Father would be making statutes and worshipping them, praying to our brothers in Christ, instead of Christ Himself. Immorality would be creating businesses and bank accounts and then trusting in them, creating portfolios and having faith in them, these things are true prostitution and idolatry to our Father. The lost have always been intoxicated with placing their love and trust in churches, wealth, and money. People worship the leaders of these harlots and they worship those who have succeeded in business or who have accumulated great wealth. Remember when Peter told Cornelius, I am just a man, do not bow down to me, Acts 10:26? People all of the time bow down to what the world deems successful. People are extremely arrogant and prideful about worshiping of such men. We are going to be shown by the angel what happens to the lost who are willing to follow the whore of worldliness and the anti-christ, who they will have heralded into power. 

3 And [the angel] bore me away [rapt] in the Spirit into a desert (wilderness), and I saw a woman seated on a scarlet beast that was all covered with blasphemous titles (names), and he had seven heads and ten horns.

John is taken to a desert place, the wilderness. John is shown a woman who is seated on a beast. We have seen before in Revelation that the beast is the anti-christ and John is taken into the wilderness because the Pope has been out of being the worlds dominate authority and power for hundreds of years. The revised Roman Empire, the ten kings, have lost their worlds dominance and power, they have been severally weakened after WWI and WWII, so they are in the wilderness. Other countries, Russia, China, and America have taken their place at the head of the table. These European countries have power, but not the controlling power of the world that they once had. But in this desert place is coming the power that our Father will use to bring in His final wrath. In this desert place is where the Revised Roman Empire and the anti-christ, empowered by satan, will take control of the world! 

Look at countries like France and Germany now, they boast of so much, but in reality they have very little power in the world. They are gaining it back, but still they are nowhere near what they used to be in history. Look at the Catholic Church right now, it has trillions of dollars and trillions of dollars of value in other assets. The Catholic Church has this right now in a world where wealth is king. Our Father will release great inflation on the world during the time of the Great Tribulation, money will be worthless, but gold, precious stones, and power will still be of great value, and the Roman Catholic Church has tons of it. They may not seem to have the power and influence now, they may seem to be in the wilderness, but not for long! And when our Father anoints them to carry out His wrath, the world will marvel at how they rise to it so quickly. 

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