Thursday, May 26, 2011

God Made Both, Vessels of Honor and Vessels of Dishonor

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also [utensils] of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use]. 2 Timothy 2:20

Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same mass (lump) one vessel for beauty and distinction and honorable use, and another for menial or ignoble and dishonorable use? Romans 9:21

The Holy Spirit was sharing something really powerful with me yesterday and it was this Truth. In our houses, and we are the House of our Father, there are vessels of honor and there are vessels of dishonor. Whether they are honorable or dishonorable, they all work together and make the house function at is highest level. The same is true in God’s house, all things, honorable and dishonorable, noble and ignoble, work together for our good, Romans 8:28. Our Father created both the good and the evil and they all serve His purposes and plans.

Then the Holy Spirit asked this question to me, “In a house, are there more vessels of honor or dishonor?” I started thinking about it and in my house, there are far more vessels of honor then dishonor. Then the Spirit told me, it is the same in the Father’s House! Amen, think about it and you will see that it is true. The Truth is that there are far more of us that will not be disposed of, then who will be disposed of. In the parable of the Marriage Supper, Jesus only told of one individual, out of a room full of people, who will be thrown out, Matthew 22.

The glorious Truth is that far more people will not be thrown into the Lake of Fire then who will be. Some of us may be Gold and Silver and some of us Wood and Earth, but we will all be used to glorify the Kingdom and serve our House, the House of our Father. Some say that there is no Hell, there is. Some say that no one will be thrown into Hell, they will be. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when they are. But amen, it is not a majority of us, it is exactly the opposite, not many of us will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Only those who commit Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and that is an incredibly hard sin to commit.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your passion and love for G-d and for The Body of Messiah. Please be encouraged by this opportunity to sharpen swords. Scripture says that those who find the "narrow way/gate" are few (Matt 7:13). What are your thoughts about there being a remnant(Romans 9:27-28)? I suggest you look up the definition of remnant and then do a word study on it(in the bible)to see what scripture says regarding the numbers that will be saved. I am blessed to have come across your comments and hear your passion. I encourage you to continue seeking Him and worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Anonymous said...

This is all on me: I understand your message and do not have a comment about the content. However, online grammatical errors are a distracting nuisance to me and a lot of people. Sorry. I know grammatical errors are ignored in social media, but this post is not social media. The correct word is than, not then. Than is used in comparisons: "This rather than that." Then is used in steps or sequences: First, this then that.