Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

This Thanksgiving we have been empowered with the Holy Spirit of our Father to go into all of the world and serve all of the needs of all of the people. We have been empowered to forgive sins, heal the sick, preach the Truth, give, and intercede for others in the full and complete power of our Lord. We are never left alone and we are always more than conquerors through Him. There is not one demon or devil that can stand against the power of our Father’s Love that flows freely from us. There is not one sickness that can stand against the Grace of our Father that has been bestowed upon us. The power of our Father is always greater in us then anything that is in this world. 

This Thanksgiving we have been empowered by God to not just to talk about what we are thankful for, but to go and be used by Him to show it to the world. In His might we will be taken to Iran, North Korea, New York, Pakistan, Egypt, Israel, San Francisco, London, Syria, and every other country, tribe, and tongue. We will be used to tell the Truth that will set the world free. We are one with our Father, just as Jesus is One with Him. 

In the Love and power of Jesus, this Thanksgiving we will forgive all sin. The Grace that has been so freely given to us, we too will freely give. It doesn’t matter either whether the people ask for it, want it, or even believe that they receive it. Through Christ we give it and the people will have it! Through Christ we don’t just talk about being thankful, we take action and show it! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This is the day of our salvation and now is our appointed time! 

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