Friday, August 16, 2013

The Anti-Christ Part I

But when they have finished their testimony and their evidence is all in, the beast (monster) that comes up out of the Abyss (bottomless pit) will wage war on them, and conquer them and kill them. Revelation 11:7

The beast that you saw [once] was, but [now] is no more, and he is going to come up out of the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and proceed to go to perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been recorded in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will be astonished when they look at the beast, because he [once] was, but [now] is no more, and he is [yet] to come. Revelation 17:8

The first thing that I want you to see is that the anti-christ, or the beast, comes from the Abyss. The Greek word for Abyss is Abussos, it means a very deep chasm, bottomless, and the abode of demons. So our Father plainly tells us that the anti-christ comes from the abode of demons. This is important because so many people seem to be looking for him and wondering is he here on the earth now. These verses show us that the anti-christ, is not a man, he is a being, or a demon, that our Father has created and is keeping in the Abyss until that day that He releases him.

Then I saw an angel descending from heaven; he was holding the key of the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and a great chain was in his hand. Revelation 20:1

Then the fifth angel blew [his] trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth; and to the angel was given the key of the shaft of the Abyss (the bottomless pit.) He opened the long shaft of the Abyss (the bottomless pit), and smoke like the smoke of a huge furnace puffed out of the long shaft, so that the sun and the atmosphere were darkened by the smoke from the long shaft. Revelation 9:1-2

Notice that the angel was given the key to the Abyss. This shows us that our Father allows the anti-christ to come to the earth. The anti-christ does not have a free will to seize power, he is allowed to seize it by our Father. Notice too that when the Abyss is opened that things change instantly. The sun is darkened. We will know when the anti-christ is released.

All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. John 1:3

For it was in Him that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [by His service, intervention] and in and for Him. Colossians 1:16
So to recap what we are shown is that the beast, or the anti-christ, is held in the Abyss until our Father allows him to be released. We are shown that the anti-christ was created and is controlled by our Father. And finally we are shown that the anti-christ is a being and not a man. He will come and possess the body of a man, we will study on this in later postings, but he is a demon, created by our Father to do exactly what He designed him to do. 

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