Sunday, May 25, 2014

All Are Destined For Eternity

And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being]. Romans 8:30
We are told in Romans 8:29 that all who our Father knew, He foreordained to be conformed to the image of Jesus. The Truth is also that our Father knows everyone before we are ever born, Psalm 139:16. So our Father will call all of us, regardless of whether we believe the Truth or not, because He has known all of us. We are also shown this wonderful Truth in Matthew 22:10, Jesus’ parable of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Notice in Jesus’ parable that both the good and bad are called to attend the Wedding Supper. We are also shown this in Revelation 20:12-13, when all who ever have lived are called to be on the New Earth when our Father comes to dwell here. Jesus tells us that when we are all here, both good and bad, that only one is not allowed to stay for eternity, Matthew 22:11-12. The rest of us are allowed to stay with our Father because we have been covered by Jesus’ Blood. We are appropriately dressed for the Wedding Feast. Only Judas has not been kept by Jesus, John 17:12. The Bride has the appropriate garments and the guests have the appropriate garments, only Judas is not dressed for the event.  
Amen, everyone will be justified by the Blood of Jesus, that is how powerful our Lord’s sacrifice is, Romans 5:19. All of mankind will be called to the Marriage Supper, or in other words all are called to be in eternity. Everyone who is called to be there will be glorified by what Jesus has done for us. Everyone’s perishable bodies will no longer be perishable. The Bride’s physical bodies will have been glorified a thousand years earlier when Jesus comes to Rule the Earth. The guests will be glorified at the end of the Millennial Reign, because their enemy, which is death, will have been thrown into the Lake of Fire. Satan will also be thrown into and destroyed by the Lake of Fire. Our Father will end all pain, suffering, tears, torment, and fear. All things will become new, Revelation 21:4-5. 
What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] Romans 8:31
Our Father is for us. He is for us all, because He loves all of us. Sin cannot overcome our Father’s Grace and separate us from Him. Where sin abounds, our Father's Grace much more abounds. Satan can’t separate us, evil can’t separate us, and even unbelief and doubt can’t separate us from our Father's Love and Mercy towards us, Romans 11:32. What good would Grace be if we had to earn it by believing or accepting it? It would then be a wage paid to us based on our actions. Look at Jesus' life on the earth and you will see His life in the future. 

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