Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Revelation 3:22

22 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).

·   Jesus is always calling to those whom He has chosen. There is always a way and Jesus is always causes us to overcome the world! We are able to hear because Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit and He allows us to hear! We can’t help but hear, if we aren’t listening, our Father will slap us awake and cause us to hear, Acts 12:7.
·   If these churches are representations of seven distinct church ages, wouldn’t the last church be the most mature one? It should be, so that Jesus might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things [that she might be holy and faultless]. Ephesians 5:27 But as we read about the 7th church, the Laodiceans, what would be the last age for people who believe the Church age theory, we read that they are lukewarm and they are blind, naked, they are anything but glorious. So if the Truth is that these churches represent the seven different church ages, and if we are in the last times, we don’t have much to look forward to, do we? But the glorious Truth is that we do have a lot to look forward to, because Jesus always wins. So these six churches that Jesus has John write to have to represent organized religions that only appear to be doing the works of the Lord, yet in reality they are never really known by Him, Matthew 7:23. For us to say that these are seven distinct church ages would mean that five church ages failed miserably, one was only abused, and one did what they were suppose to do. And what that would mean is for five church ages Jesus failed miserably, one He was only abused and poor, and only in one was He successful. This to me makes it clear that these are seven styles of churches that will exist up until the last day. Jesus just doesn’t fail! His Church, the Church of Philadelphia is always one with Him and victorious through Him. 
·         Yet even if the churches aren’t really where they need to be, remember Jesus is in the midst of them. I think that is such a great Truth to remember. In Romans 11:32 we are told that we cannot help but be disobedient, but our Father will still have mercy on all of us. 
·         I kept bringing the point up about these churches being referred to by many people as church ages. If you have never heard that teaching, then you must be thinking that I am crazy for talking about it so much. But I heard it taught that these churches were actually seven different distinct church ages, or seven different periods of time for the church, a ton growing up. This teaching is false and it makes Jesus out to be a failure in six periods of the church, and He isn’t. Jesus never has been a failure in my life. Jesus has been successful in my life in spite of me. Our weaknesses never hinder Jesus’ success. He never was or is a failure in the Bible, so why would He be in six different periods of the church? So please bear with me if you have never heard the teaching of church ages, I was preaching a lot to myself. 

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