Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is A Bride A Guest At Her Own Wedding?

The kingdom of heaven is like a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. Matthew 22:2

So go to the thoroughfares where they leave the city [where the main roads and those from the country end] and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find. And those servants went out on the crossroads and got together as many as they found, both bad and good, so [the room in which] the wedding feast [was held] was filled with guests. Matthew 22:9-10

A while back the Holy Spirit had my wife say this to me after we had studied this parable in a Wednesday night Bible Study: “Is a Bride a guest at her own wedding?” We were laying in bed and it was like the lights understanding flashed on. Our Father used Beth to lead me into truly one of the greatest studies of peace that He had ever taking me on. So before I share what our Father revealed, I want to ask you the same question, is a Bride a guest at her own wedding?

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