Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Revelation 16:10-11

10 Then the fifth [angel] emptied his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was [plunged] in darkness; and people gnawed their tongues for the torment [of their excruciating distress and severe pain]

We are shown by Jesus that the anti-christ’s kingdom is plunged into darkness. The Truth is that the anti-christ is a great failure, everything that he will do, will absolutely fail. The anti-christ’s kingdom is built on sand, Revelation 13:1. But he will be protected and enthusiastically endorsed by his followers because of pride. Those who do this will do it because they heralded him into power, they will have far too much invested in him to throw him out. They marveled at all of his speeches and told us that he was the only one that could unite and save the world. They will have followed every one of his commands and yet everything that he will have proclaimed will fall apart; but their egos will not allow them to remove him from power. They will not repent even though millions of people who have followed him are dying and sick. There will be mass panic, blame, fear, hatred, and all of the misery will drag the worlds economy into the tank, far past any economic depression the world has ever seen. Babylon, which is the world’s economic and political system, will absolutely fail the world during this time!

Yet not for us; we will be used by our Father to give food, water, and provisions to the needy, Matthew 24. Our Father will use us to serve even without taking the mark of the beast. He will use us to serve with no money. He will use to perform greater miracles then He used Jesus to perform when He was on the earth, John 14:12. It will be a great time to be a Christian. The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to every nation, tongue, and tribe and a number that no one can count will be saved right before Jesus returns! 

11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their anguish and their ulcers (sores), and they did not deplore their wicked deeds or repent [for what they had done]. 

How will the lost continue to blasphemy our Father? They will by continuing to look to themselves, to the anti-christ, and the false prophet. They will continue to pray to statues and graven images. They will continue to curse the true children of God. They will continue to look to the power of man, because they know nothing else, they will do this because they do not have the Holy Spirit. The glorious Truth is that the Gospel of the Kingdom is being preached with great power and demonstration to every nation, tribe, and tongue at this time. These people have been called, but they have not been chosen. They will curse what our Father will be doing through us and they will trust in what they are trying to do. This is how they will blasphemy our Father.

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:13 that he was blasphemous before he was saved. Yet he very much believed in God. Paul was a Pharisee of the Pharisees. So blasphemy isn’t denying that there is a God, it is acting all religious and taking all of the credit and glorifying what man is doing for God. So the anti-christ’s followers will be very religious. They will be saying that they are doing mighty works for Him and that they are prophesying for Him. But the first comment from them will always be that they are doing it, not that they are being used by our Father to do it. 

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