We know that our old (unrenewed) self was nailed to the cross with Him in order that [our] body [which is the instrument] of sin might be made ineffective and inactive for evil, that we might no longer be the slaves of sin. Romans 6:6
Do you believe that people really know what our Father tells us here? Do they really know that their flesh is now ineffective for evil? Do people really know that they are no longer slaves to sin? I can tell you from my experiences is that most people do not believe this glorious Truth and they often times will aggressively attack it when it is told to them. But amen, it is the Truth. Jesus came and was sacrificed for all of our shortcomings. He was raised from the dead and His sacrificial work was far, far, greater then any evil work our flesh has done or will ever do! Jesus deprived sin, all sin, of any opportunity to take us away from Him.
Jesus was successful in removing any law that could ever convict us of a sin, Romans 8:1-4, Romans 10:3-4, Galatians 2:16-21, and Galatians 3:10-14. Jesus came and was successful in implementing Grace and Grace is all undeserved and all unearned. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, Isaiah 64:6. Our best is sin. Even Jesus said that His Own flesh wasn’t good enough, Mark 10:18. So if Jesus’ flesh wasn’t good enough, how could ours be? Our Father knew who and how we were, so He gave a sacrifice and that sacrifice secured our eternal life with Him. There is no sin in Christ and we are now in Christ, John 17:23.
I was asked if this is true, why is there a Hell? That is a great question, why is there a Hell, if Christ now has all flesh and has given eternal life to all flesh, John 17:2? There is a Hell because that is where our Father throws things that are to cease to be, Revelation 20:14. Once something is thrown into Hell, it ceases to be, it can never come back. Our Father will throw death and Hades and all that has to do with them into Hell, or the Lake of Fire, and they will forever cease to be. Our Father will throw satan and the fallen angels into Hell and they never come back, Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:10. There will also be at least one person thrown into the Lake of Fire, Matthew 22:13. Jesus tells us in John 17:12 that He has only lost one person that He has been given and that one person is Judas. There is a Hell, but no one is there yet, because Judgment Day has not yet occurred. Hell exists for our Father to end things.
But amen, there are far less things ended then most of us believe. Because where sin abounds, grace much more abounds, Romans 5:20. Our Father is not so insecure that He will destroy people because they don’t believe Him. Actually the Truth is that we can only believe Him because He first empowers us to believe Him, 1 Corinthians 12:3. Grace tells us that people are still blessed even though they do not believe. We are told to bless those who curse us, Luke 6:28. We are told to feed our enemies, Romans 12:20, and we are told to always forgive, Matthew 18:22. This is how our Father is and this is how He is through us and He never changes, Hebrews 13:8. Grace saves us, not our works, thank God that is True!