Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Revelation 12:5

5 And she brought forth a male Child, One Who is destined to shepherd (rule) all the nations with an iron staff (scepter), and her Child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Jesus was resurrected from the dead, glorified to His former state of being, and raised up to Heaven. Satan thought that he had destroyed Jesus by crucifying Him, and yet Jesus was raised from the dead. Just as satan will think that he has destroyed the two witnesses and will fail. The glorious Truth that sets us free is that death is never an ending for the chosen ones of God! 
Satan is given too much credit for acting alone in religion today. He is just a tool of our Father and he repeatedly shows his ignorance of this Truth throughout history. Look how our Father has used him throughout the years and you will see this. Satan is a deceiver, that is how our Father made him, and he constantly is trying to convince people that he is in charge. Ego, pride, and jealousy always act this way. What satan sows, he reaps. He sows deception, so he is always being deceived. Our Father knows the beginning and the end. Our Father knew what satan would do because He made him that way! Our Father created the good and the evil and they all work together for His good.
Think for a minute about John seeing this. Up to this time, John was shown all that was wrong with the seven churches, and then he was shown all of the destruction of the wicked. John was shown the pain, the grief, and the absolute destruction of the world. He had taken the scroll that had made him sick, but now He sees the victory of Jesus. John knows Jesus, he knows Who He is and what He is, this is a refreshing time during the vision for John. He has just seen that the rule of the world has been handed over to Jesus. He has seen Heaven and earth rejoice, and now he sees Jesus being protected by our Father. It is easy to preach on just the hardships of the unsealed during a study of Revelation, but the glorious power of our Father working through His chosen ones is what brings us joy and hope. 

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