Thursday, July 05, 2012

Revelation 12:6

6 And the woman [herself] fled into the desert (wilderness), where she has a retreat prepared [for her] by God, in which she is to be fed and kept safe for 1,260 days (42 months; three and one-half years). 
For 3 ½ years we are shown that the Church is protected and fed during the Great Tribulation. Jesus Shepherds His Bride to food and water during this time. He protects us from the scorching sun and He wipes away all of our tears. He uses us to provide to those in need, even when the world tells us that we can’t buy or sell, Matthew 24:45-46. The demonic attacks of the creatures of the Abyss never come nigh us. Our yoke is easy and our burden is light and greater is our Lord Who is in us, than anything that is in the world.
Notice here that the Revelation of Jesus never shows us that the woman would reject her child, as Israel rejected Jesus. I believe that is a huge point to not mention if the woman was actually Israel, as so many believe and preach. 
Also, Israel never fled into the wilderness, the Jewish people fled into Europe and Russia, heavily populated areas of the world, not the wilderness. But the true Church has always been on the outside looking in. Not the false Christian churches, they have been accepted for centuries and found favor with men. Governments have been able to manipulate them from the beginning to carry out their evil purposes. But the real church, those truly called and chosen by our Father to be the Bride of Christ have always been rejected. Many are called but few are chosen.

What I find so amazing when reading Revelation is the power and grace that will be exhibited through us. People ask me all of the time are we in the end times. I do not believe that we are yet. I believe that when you see the power and love of Christ freely flowing through us to where things are happening that man cannot do, that is when the end is near.  

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