Monday, July 16, 2012

Revelation 13:5

5 And the beast was given the power of speech, uttering boastful and blasphemous words, and he was given freedom to exert his authority and to exercise his will during forty-two months (three and a half years).
Satan will give his power to the anti-christ and satan has been allowed to do it for 3 1/2 years. Ask yourself this question here: why did satan have to be given the freedom to do this? If satan had any authority on his own, why did our Father have to give him the power and freedom to exert his influence in the first place. I run into a lot of people who believe that satan has power over this world, but repeatedly we are shown that he doesn’t. Repeatedly we are told that our Father has to first empower and allow satan to do things. Satan only has as much power as our Father gives him!
But even though our Father will give satan such power during the last 3 1/2 years of this period of earth's history, we were shown in Revelation 12:14 that the church has been provided with an escape and that we are protected for the entire time. This Truth infuriates satan to no end! Because he will see the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached to every nation, tribe, and tongue through us. During the Great Tribulation satan will see the righteous being used by our Father to do the works that Jesus did and He will see us being used to do even greater works then Jesus did, John 14:12. We will give food when all of the grass has been burned up, Matthew 24:45-46. We will give water when a 1/3rd of all of the water is unusable. We will be a blessing to every tribe, nation, and tongue during these times. We will be the one sign that Jesus spoke of regarding His return, Matthew 24:14!
Think of the blasphemy now of the Pope. People bow down to him, this is nowhere to be found in the New Testament, and it is actually spoken against, Acts 10:26. People actually kiss a ring on his finger. He allows and actually expects people to bow down and kiss a graven image that he wears. The ring is supposedly Peter’s ring and Peter emphatically said to never to do such things! The Pope believes that He is the Christ on the earth. He places himself above people, Jesus hates this. 

It is not hard to imagine how the last Pope will be when he has the backing of kings and a fearful and wary population. A population that for the first time in History will really see the full carnage of war. There will be 24 hour news, the internet, clear and precise pictures, with networks trying to make the people as afraid as they can be, all to get ratings and to make money. Could you imagine World War II with today’s news coverage? And imagine the power this last Pope will have over people when he is able to speak as no one has before. But once again, the children of God are protected from the wrath of our Father. We may be asked to be sacrificed during this time, yet we will have the anointing of Christ upon us to endure it and to further the Gospel of the Kingdom, just as we read about with Jesus, Stephen, Paul, John, and Peter.

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