Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. 1 John 4:1-2
This is the missing power in the church today: too many people confess that Jesus came in the flesh, people confess that Jesus is the Son of God, but very few people confess and really believe that Jesus is in them right now. The sad truth is that so many have no idea that they have actually become one with all of Jesus and with all of His fullness. The glorious Truth is that if we are saved then we are 100% Jesus' body, 100% His flesh, and 100% His bones, Ephesians 5:30.
This is why our Father has empowered us to share so many scriptures with people; it is to allow Him to talk to us. Because unless He shows us this truth, we will never accept it. Some who hear this Truth will have it stolen right away when they first hear it. Some will accept it for a moment, but as soon as the church says that they are wrong and a little persecution arises because of it, they will abandon it. Some will never flourish in this Truth because of the cares of this world. But amen some will accept it and be used by the Holy Spirit to produce a return of 100, 60, or 30 fold!
Jesus is coming back for a glorious and powerful Church. The Truth of our unity with Him will be accepted and walked in by the Church and the world will believe. Our Father is not a man that He should lie and our Father will not be mocked! Through Christ our sons and our daughters will prophesy the Truth that will set the world free! Through Christ our young men will see visions and our old men will dream dreams. Through Christ there will be signs in the heavens and wonders on the earth! Through Christ we will be glorious without spot, wrinkle, or blemish, because greater is He that is within us, than he or anything that is in the world! Through Christ we are never ashamed and we are always victorious. He never stops being our Shepherd that leads us in the paths of righteousness as we are filled with the fulness of His Divine Presence.
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