Friday, February 21, 2014

We Live In The Power Of Jesus’ Resurrection

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:11

When does our Father say that we are to consider ourselves to be dead to sin? In the future or right now? Our Father teaches us that now is our accepted time and that today is the day of our salvation. Through the power of Christ that we have been freely anointed with, we now have freedom from all sin. As the Greek word for salvation, soteria, taught us, we are free from the power of sin, the presence of sin, the pleasure of sin, and the penalty of sin. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we know God right now and knowing God means we now have eternal life.

And this is eternal life, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent. John 17:3

We know God right now. We are now His children, His friends, His servants, and we are now His body. We know our Father, we don’t just know of Him, we actually know Him. That is an awesome thing and something the world needs to hear. God knows us, so why shouldn’t we know Him. If the only thing my kids ever had were letters about me, they would never truly know me. The Bible is great, I love it, but yet, I don’t want to just read about our Father, I want to know Him. I want to hang out with Him, talk to Him, hear Him, and be taught by Him. I want to be as He is! And He absolutely wants the same things for us! Our Father has provided a way and the way is by being empowered with the Holy Spirit to look unto Jesus to Author and Finish the faith within us that brings the very righteousness of God into us. If we are one with God, we are one with His righteousness. That’s just good and simple Truth!

Our righteousness is as filthy rags, yeah, so what? We no longer look unto our own righteousness for anything; we now only look unto Jesus’ righteousness. We stand before God on Jesus’ merits, not our own. Our best doesn’t even equal Jesus’ worst. Don’t freak out about that, it is only symbolism! Glory, righteousness, sanctification, holiness, and perfection, these are all God’s qualities and when it comes to us He isn’t stingy with any of them, through Christ He has allowed us to become one with them. We are born from them, they are who we are. We can’t help but exhibit these qualities; we are flesh of God’s flesh and bone of His bones. We are born again of all these things, it’s just who we are! We are filled with the fullest measure of our Father's Divine Presence and He remembers our sins no more. 

Be blessed this day. Jesus loves you and He has given you everything that pertains unto life and unto godliness!

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