Saturday, March 15, 2014

Perfection Is Easy

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
The Truth is we are perfect because we have been chosen by God to be one with the One Who is perfect. We have power because the Powerful One lives continually within us! Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us, Hebrews 13:5. We are set apart for Holy use, we are clean, pure, and free from sin, because God has chosen us and empowered us to be one with Jesus, and as Jesus is, so are we in this world. And the only reason that we have Jesus, and are one with all that He is, is because our Father saved us and empowered us with His very Spirit to accept Him as Lord. It’s an easy yoke and a light burden when God is the One doing it all through us, Matthew 11:30!
The Word of God, the Word of Truth that sets us free, teaches us that we have been given the same glory as Jesus and we are not wrong for confessing this Truth, because Jesus is the One Who said it, John 17:22. The Word teaches us that we are as Jesus is, even while we are on this earth, 1 John 4:17. Actually it can be no other way, because we are dead, and yet we live, yet it is not us that lives, it is Christ living within us, and Jesus is just like God, because He is God, Galatians 2:20! The Truth of our Father shows us who we became when we were chosen and were born again. We were born again not of corruptible seed, but Incorruptible Seed, 1 Peter 1:23. I hope you are seeing the Truth that our Father is showing us with all of these postings. Jesus sanctified Himself and we are now sanctified through Him as well.
You are a child of the Living God, you are free from sin, you are set apart for Holy use, you are pure, and a-men you are perfect. Go find a person that has the bumper sticker that says, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven," and tell them that they really are perfect because of Christ! You see the Truth that sets us free is not looking to ourselves for the power of perfection, it is looking unto Jesus and acknowledging that our perfection and sanctification are solely based on Him! We are perfect, glorified, sanctified, and holy because Jesus was successful and only because He was successful! And praise God Jesus was successful, fully and completely and totally successful. So our perfection is easy, because we can’t help but be perfect. 
I love you and be blessed! And Father allow us the ability to fully see the power of what Jesus has done for us and allow us to walk fully in the glory of Your Truth!

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