Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Revelation 8:6-11

6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. 
7 The first angel blew [his] trumpet, and there was a storm of hail and fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees was burned up and all the green grass was burned up.
We see that the First Trumpet goes right along with the Sixth Seal. We are shown that a change has happened after the first five seals. During the first five seals a fourth part of the earth was in a war and under the control of the Four Horsemen. During the first five seals people were being slaughtered in only a fourth part of the earth, and now with the Seven Trumpets, we are shown that a third of the earth is being effected by major natural disasters.
8 The second angel blew [his] trumpet, and something resembling a great mountain, blazing with fire, was hurled into the sea.

9 And a third of the sea was turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea perished, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

10 The third angel blew [his] trumpet, and a huge star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it dropped on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-- 
11 And the name of the star is Wormwood. A third part of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many people died from using the water, because it had become bitter. 
Think of a major asteroid hitting the earth, there would be several smaller pieces of the asteroid hitting the earth along with it and a third of the earth will be immediately affected by them. Many people will die from the impact of these asteroids and by having to use the bitter water that these meteors cause. Man cannot survive very long without water. Nothing that we have been shown in Revelation tells us that the Four Horseman are gone, so a small amount of wheat would be worth a whole days wages. Peace will have been removed from the disobedient, there will be massive deaths, killings, and several opportunists for tyrants to conquer the weak and fearful. False prophets will be telling people that they are Jesus, or that Jesus has appeared over here or over there, and millions will follow after their lies out of shear desperation. These false prophets will even be performing miracles that will deceive the wicked. During these years satan will be allowed by our Father to become very powerful and many will be deceived by him.
And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, He hath shortened the days. Mark 13:20
These last days have been shortened for our sakes. Just another Truth that proves that we must be here on the earth during this time. If we were not here because we had been raptured, why would these days need to be shortened? The glorious Truth is that we are here on the earth though when all of this is happening. When the world has no water, we miraculously will. When the world has no food, we miraculously will. We don’t just have these things, we have them in abundance, because we are the blessed servants that are giving food and provision to those in need when our Lord returns, Luke 12:41-42. Remember too, that none of these things are permitted to happen until we are sealed and protected from them. We will only be seeing the reward of the wicked with our eyes. John saw and showed to us that the saints will be standing by the glassy sea filled with fire, Revelation 15:2. 

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