Sunday, June 17, 2012

Revelation 9:20-21

 20 And the rest of humanity who were not killed by these plagues even then did not repent of [the worship of] the works of their [own] hands, so as to cease paying homage to the demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor move.
Today people pray to statues of Mary, other saints, and even jewelry. They worship the building that they have erected in the name of God. There are gold domes, images of wood and silver that we wear and hold. There are beads, carpets, and so many other worldly things that religion holds so valuable. These things will be used by the anti-christ and the false prophet, all to keep the focus on themselves and man, not on our Father and Jesus. 
21 And they did not repent of their murders or their practice of magic (sorceries) or their sexual vice or their thefts.
Remember that during the great Tribulation there will be great anger at the true Christians, millions upon millions of us will be slain for the testimony of Jesus. But that is alright, remember how our Father will empower us, just as He did with Stephen, John, Paul, Peter, James when they were persecuted for their testimony. They rejoiced that they were able to suffer for Jesus, that is the power of our Father that will be flowing through us that are required to partake in such things. 
During these days people will still not run to God for comfort. They won’t because they will not have the Holy Spirit causing them to run to God. They only have fear because they will be killed if they do. So if they are not empowered with the Holy Spirit, they will definitely not seek God for comfort. But amen, there will be those who do and we are being empowered by the Holy Spirit to be there for them. During the Great Tribulation we will be serving our Father day and night in His Temple, 1 Corinthians 6:19, which is our flesh, and the fire from His throne will be poured out upon us, so that we can serve as never before, Revelation 8:5. Jesus will be feeding us, we will not thirst, and we will have the power of the Holy Spirit. A 1,000 will have fallen at our side and 10,000 at our right hand but it has not come nigh us, ! 
Those who have not been sealed during the Great Tribulation, the lost, will be running to church though, the anti-christ’s church. A church that has a form of godliness, but one that denies our Father’s true power 2 Timothy 3:5. A church that encourages murder in the name of religion and peace. A church full of immorality and a church that steals what little wealth the world has left for its own consumption. This church is in charge, the world has given it and its leaders, the anti-christ and the false prophet, the authority and these two are completely motivated by greed and power. Think of every bad aspect of religion today, and then magnify it a thousand times, this is the church of the anti-christ. People will absolutely flood this church just as false christians do today when things are bad. They will hear a flattering message of hope based on human effort and abilities. They will hear what it is that they have to do with their own free wills. They will believe that they are doing God’s work, but the glory will always be directed to themselves. They will praise what they are doing, how they believe, and how they serve. They will praise the name of the anti-christ and how righteous he is. Jesus and our Father will be mentioned, but they will actually be blaspheming our Father by taking the credit for what He is doing. Men will always be the center of the anti-christ message, that is what anti-christ means, the power of man, not the power of our Father. 

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