Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Revelation 9:13-15

13 Then the sixth angel blew [his] trumpet, and from the four horns of the golden altar which stands before God I heard a solitary voice, 
14 Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, Liberate the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. 
15 So the four angels who had been in readiness for that hour in the appointed day, month, and year were liberated to destroy a third of mankind. 
The spiritual powers from the Abyss were not allowed to kill men. They were only permitted to vex men. Here we see something different with these four angels. These Four Angels, who were appointed by our Father for this specific day, month, and year, were liberated to destroy a third of mankind. Jesus did not show John that they were liberated to kill a third of mankind, but to destroy a third of mankind. These people are destroyed by being overtaken with such a great weight of war, terrorism, and the depression of it all. The evil spiritual possession of the beings of the Abyss, recession, inflation, and a far over reaching government, a government that allows nothing to happen that does not first go through it, these things will destroy men from being able to do anything. 
Think of the Middle East today and the message that is coming from it. People are told that killing others will lead them to Heaven. They are told to kill their children if they do not like what they are doing. They are told to hate all who are not like them. Many of the governments of the Middle East are dictators and tyrants. They wish to control every aspect of peoples lives. The foundation of the message of these four angels is already being laid. The Truth is that all men, wether bond or free, will reap what they sow. Our Father is having the leaders of the Middle East sow a message of hate and un-forgiveness and that is what they will reap. But remember this Truth, Grace much more abounds where sin abounds.The flesh of these people is not our Father‘s ultimate end goal, it is these peoples spirit’s. Their flesh will suffer, but their spirits will be set free and they will be united with eternal flesh that will never die. Many may not be the Bride of Christ, but that in no way means that they cannot and will not be the guests of the Bride!
These Four Angels are released; they are liberated by the power of our Father, from the area of the Euphrates River, the Middle East. Once again, we can see that Jesus shows John that these angels are liberated, our Father is in total control, and this is the time of His wrath. Our Father is the Gardener, He is the Potter, He is in control today and He is in control during this time. He created good and evil, and all things exist by Him and for Him and through Him, Colossians 1:16. Our Father is in total control of His body, His flesh, His Temple, which we are, and there is not one of us who will be asked to go through or do anything that our Father has not empowered us to do with faith, hope, and love.

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