Saturday, June 09, 2012

Revelation 9:1

1 THEN THE fifth angel blew [his] trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth; and to the angel was given the key of the shaft of the Abyss (the bottomless pit). 
And they begged [Jesus] not to command them to depart into the Abyss (bottomless pit).
Luke 8:31
For God did not [even] spare angels that sinned, but cast them into hell, delivering them to be kept there in pits of gloom till the judgment and their doom. 2 Peter 2:4
The Abyss, the bottomless pit, must be one nasty place. There are beings down there that even frighten the demons! This angel is sent down from our Father to release those things to carry out His wrath. For those who are not sealed with the Holy Spirit this will be one scary time. But not for us, because the perfect love of our Father drives all fear from us. This is just another great opportunity to see our Father at work. This will be just another great opportunity to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit! The spiritual attacks from these things will be massive and men will be seeking death, but under the control of these beings they will not be able to find it. I truly believe that we will be casting these beings out of millions of people, just as Jesus cast the demons out. We will be used to set the captives free and the testimony of what our Father is doing through us will be undeniable, even though many will deny it!
Think for a moment of the evil that will arise when a fourth of the world is in such a deadly war. Just remember the torture and violence of WWI and WWII. During the Great Tribulation there will not only be this major war, there will also be devastating natural disasters that are happening at the same time. And on top of all of these things, we are now shown that there will be demonic attacks on the wicked as never before. Beings will be released from the Abyss that even scare the demons. These beings are released by our Father to punish the wicked. Those who have for years used the name of our Lord to steal and who have made merchandise of us will be tormented and they will seek death, but death will elude them. They will reap seven times what they have sown.  
The Holy Spirit had Peter tell us that the fallen angels have been held in the abyss under lock and chain until the day of their judgment. These beings that are released have been the jail keepers and cell mates of the fallen angels, and they are released to go into the world as instruments of our Father’s Wrath. For most of my Christian life, I have heard it preached that we better accept Jesus as Lord, so that we may be raptured out of all of this. But the Truth is that we are not raptured from this, we are sealed from all of this. Sealed with the very Spirit of our Father, the same protecting force for Jesus seals and protects us! These beings may be scary to some, but for us, they are just beings created by our Father to carry out His will. We will always know that these being are controlled by our Father.
Can you see why we should desire to be here during this time? People are going to be saved during this period, saved in numbers so great, that they cannot even be counted. People are going to be saved out of every nation, tribe, and tongue! Jesus tells us that after the great falling away, and the Great Tribulation comes, that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to every nation, tongue, and tribe! There will be such great opportunities to be used by our Father during these three and a half years. Religion so often wants to focus on the wrath of our Father, but we have not been appointed to His wrath, we have been appointed to His righteousness. And true righteousness, righteousness from Jesus, desires to serve those in need. Righteousness has a heart to serve those who are called and chosen, even if they haven’t been born again yet. During the Great Tribulation, there will be millions who are called and chosen!  

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