2 And all the brethren who are with me, to the churches of Galatia:
3 Grace and spiritual blessing be to you and [soul] peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah),
As with all of the Epistles that the Holy Spirit has Paul write, He has him clearly tell us that we have grace from our Father. The word grace is translated from the Greek Word, Charis. Charis means: that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, favor, and love. It also means the merciful kindness by which our Father exerts His Holy influence on our souls and that turns us to Christ and His power keeps us, strengthens us, and increases our Christian virtue. Grace means that we are governed completely and solely by our Father’s Divine power.
Grace is a free gift from our Father.
But God's free gift is not at all to be compared to the trespass [His grace is out of all proportion to the fall of man]. For if many died through one man's falling away (his lapse, his offense), much more profusely did God's grace and the free gift [that comes] through the undeserved favor of the one Man Jesus Christ abound and overflow to and for [the benefit of] many. Romans 5:15
The Truth for a born again believer is that our Father freely exerts His influence on our souls. He freely caused us to call on Jesus as Lord, John 6:44. Our Father freely causes us to be strong in Christ and He freely causes us to grow in Christ. This brings us great joy and delight, because when it is our Father freely causing us to do these things, we have peace that there is now no condemnation for us, Romans 8:1, and we have peace that everything that is needed for us to live eternally with God will get done.
And He will establish you to the end [keep you steadfast, give you strength, and guarantee your vindication; He will be your warrant against all accusation or indictment so that you will be] guiltless and irreproachable in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). 1 Corinthians 1:8
So when you read the Word grace, rejoice greatly, because it means that our Father is in complete and total control of your life and He will never leave you or forsake you.
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