Thursday, January 24, 2013

Galatians 2:1-2

1 THEN AFTER [an interval] of fourteen years I again went up to Jerusalem. [This time I went] with Barnabas, taking Titus along with [me] also.
2 I went because it was specially and divinely revealed to me that I should go, and I put before them the Gospel [declaring to them that] which I preach among the Gentiles. However, [I presented the matter] privately before those of repute, [for I wanted to make certain, by thus at first confining my communication to this private conference] that I was not running or had not run in vain [guarding against being discredited either in what I was planning to do or had already done].
Think about this, for over fourteen years Paul had been used by our Father to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Gentiles. Our Father had used Paul to heal the sick, raise the dead, and preach the Truth that set the captives free. Paul was attacked and delivered several times for being used to do this. Our Father was mightily using Paul and many were benefitting from it, yet our Father did not have Paul answering directly to a Pastor. Many religious people in our times would call Paul a lone gun, a rebel, a spiritual bastard, and doomed to fall because he wasn’t directly being told what to do by a church government.  

Are they [ministering] servants of Christ (the Messiah)? I am talking like one beside himself, [but] I am more, with far more extensive and abundant labors, with far more imprisonments, [beaten] with countless stripes, and frequently [at the point of] death. Five times I received from [the hands of] the Jews forty [lashes all] but one; Three times I have been beaten with rods; once I was stoned. Three times I have been aboard a ship wrecked at sea; a [whole] night and a day I have spent [adrift] on the deep; 2 Corinthians 1:23-25

Then after all of these years of being used, our Father Divinely inspires Paul to go back to Jerusalem to meet with the Apostles. What we are shown here is that our Father wants us to fellowship. Paul knew that he was being used by God, even though a church wasn’t directing him. Paul had to know, because he had seen our Father working through him in ways that only God could do. Yet our Father wanted His body to be one and He wanted His Truth to be confirmed out of the mouths of all of those who He had put in positions of ministry. Our Father knew that a book called the Bible was going to be written. Our Father knew that these letters would be used throughout the centuries to inspire faith. Our Father knew that we would be studying these letters and using them today, so He inspired Paul, Peter, and John, the three primary writers of the New Testament to all be in agreement, out of the mouths of two or three let everything be confirmed, Matthew 18:20. 

Yet as we will see later in this Chapter, there were divisions between those who had taken over leadership roles in the church at Jerusalem and the Apsotles. So Paul was also sent back to Jerusalem to preach the Truth that was being lost by those who had crept in to steal the freedom that we have in Christ. 

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