Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Easy Salvation For Bad People

As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. [He was appointed our father] in the sight of God in Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed. Romans 4:17

I had a person ask me a question the other day about bad people making it easily into Heaven. The answer is that they can and it is because of the Truth that we are shown in Romans 4. The wicked can easily make it into Heaven because of Father gives life to the dead. Our Father calls things that are not, as though they were, and they happen. If our Father has called a notably bad person to be saved, they will become what He has called them to be. A great example of this would be Paul. Paul was a terrible person, yet our Father called and chose him, Galatians 1:15.

Another great example would be the man on the Cross. The man on the Cross beside Jesus did nothing other than tell the other guy on a cross to lay off of Jesus. By doing this Jesus allowed him to go to paradise. That was really easy. The man who Jesus chose to bless led a wicked life and did no other works then to tell another guy to basically shut up and he was allowed into paradise, Luke 23:43.

Let me ask you this, which example better describes Grace? I have a hundred dollars and I say that you can have it if you tell me that I am great, do what I tell you to do, and that you come and get it from me. Or is Grace better described by this: you fight me, tell me that I am wrong, you work against me, and yet I come to you and give you the hundred dollars? Our Father operates from Grace and Grace is easy, regardless of how good or bad we are. Grace is solely based on how great Jesus is and how great the love of our Father is. 

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