Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Secret Of Strength

If you lay all these instructions before the brethren, you will be a worthy steward and a good minister of Christ Jesus, ever nourishing your own self on the truths of the faith and of the good [Christian] instruction which you have closely followed. 1 Timothy 4:6
The secret of Christ is simple and it is this, whatever we are used by the Holy Spirit to sow, is what we will reap, Galatians 6:7. Paul tells Timothy this Truth in 1 Timothy 4. So let’s put this principle in some real world applications. If we want to be used by our Father, we are to pray for others to be used by Him. If we want peace, we pray for other’s to have peace. If we want to know the Truth, we share the Truth. If we want health, we are to lay hands on the sick, pray for them, forgive them, call on them to be whole and we will have health. If they ask us to walk a mile, we walk two. If we have two coats, we give one away. The secret of having strength is seeking out the well being of others and taking far, far, more thought for them, then we do for ourselves.
Now, the power behind all of this is that we cannot do these things, it has to be Christ in us doing them through us, John 15:5. Our Father knows this and He is actively participating in each of our lives so that we are ever growing stronger, by ever increasing our desire and abilities to serve others. I hear sermons all of the time that tell us what we have to do. But the glorious Truth is that it is what our Father has to do through us, not what we have to do on our own, John 14:10. It is our Father that must give us the desire, the ability, and the faith to serve others. This is why there is no condemnation for us, Romans 8:1, and this is why we cannot boast, Ephesians 2:9. So if we are serving, praise God, we are only serving because our Father has empowered us to serve. And if we aren’t serving, it is only because He has not empowered us to serve yet. Either way, our Father’s will is being done and He is glorified and our Kingdom is being served.
I pray for each and every one of you, that our Father will empower you to serve as Jesus serves and to love as He loves. That you may be filled to all of the fullness of salvation, ever living to intercede for others, placing their needs above your own needs and eagerly desiring that they are perfect in Christ and perfectly used by Christ. I also pray that our Father will bring us together, with one heart, one mind, one accord and that He will demonstrate His mighty strength and ability through each of us.

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