Saturday, December 07, 2013

Every Sin, Other Then Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit, Will Be Forgiven

And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Matthew 12:31

All sin, other then blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, does not lead to being thrown into the Lake of Fire, or death. I know how that sounds, believe me, I know how that sounds. But look at what happens at the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ, every human that has ever lived will be raised up to be a the Wedding Feast. The books are opened, it is plain for us to see what every one has ever done. As we see these things, we will ask for their forgiveness and they will be forgiven. We will ask for everyone who has not committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to be forgiven and they will be and they will eternally be alive for us to serve and rule and reign over. These people will never be the Bride of Christ, but they will be eternally the guests of the Bride. This Truth should bring you great peace and joy!

To help you grasp the reality of how many are permitted to be the eternal guests of the Bride and Groom of Christ, I want you to think about Jesus and His life here on the earth. The Word teaches us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8. When Jesus was here who did He sternly rebuke? Was it the adulterous woman, the tax collectors, the notable sinners, the prostitute, or was it the Pharisees and Scribes? Even though Jesus wasn't sent for the Gentiles at that time, when He was approached by them He still helped them. Who does Jesus tell us to beware of, the sinners or the wolves in sheep’s clothing, who are false religious leaders, Matthew 7:15? Jesus provided for and constantly forgave and had compassion for the sinners, yet He openly rebuked and went after those religious people who He warned were close to committing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will not change. He will serve those who people think that He shouldn't and only one will be thrown out of the Wedding Supper into the Lake of Fire. 

When Jesus was being crucified what did He do? He forgave those who were doing it, right? When the disciples asked Jesus, how often do we forgive, Jesus said to them seventy times seven times. Jesus never changes and He will not change when the books are opened to judge the guests. Jesus plainly tells us in the parable of the Marriage supper that only one was found by our Father who could not stay. And the one found unworthy is the ones who committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, we know this because every other sin does not lead to death. We will intercede and forgive every sin, other than blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, so that a super majority of the guests will be allowed to stay.

So how can the Word say that there will be no murderers, or sorcerers, or witches, or adulterers in the Kingdom of Heaven, Revelation 21:8? There will be none of these people in the Kingdom because all of these sins will be forgiven them and as far as the East is from the West these sins will be removed from them. The guests will have their works judged and they will not stand, they will be forgiven though, and they will be saved by passing through the fire, 1 Corinthians 3:15. This is Grace and this is just how successful Jesus was and is! 

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