Monday, August 08, 2016

1 Corinthians 1:9

God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9

We are told here that our Father is faithful and that He can be depended on to do what it is that He has said that He will do. So let’s recap what we have been shown in the first 8 verses of 1 Corinthians and see what God, Who is our Father, can be depended on for.

Verse 1: God can be depended on to call us and insure His will is accomplished through us. 

Verse 2: Our Father can be depended on to consecrate us and purify us.

Verse 3: Our Father can be depended on to influence our souls, causing us to be Christlike.

Verse 4: God can be depended on to make sure that we are favored. 

Verse 5: God can be depended on to insure that we are enriched with full power and that we are always used to speak the Truth. He can also be depended on to make sure that we have complete knowledge and that we are fully illuminated with the Truth. 

Verse 6: Our Father can be depended on to insure that Christ is confirmed in us. 

Verse 7: Our Father can be depended on to never let us fall behind or lack in any Christian endowments.

Verse 8: God can be depended on establishing us, keeping us steadfast, strengthen us, guaranteeing our vindication, and eliminating all indictments and accusations against us. 

In the first 8 verses of 1 Corinthians we can see that it is our Father Who is responsible for everything in our life’s that insure success. Remember too that our Father can be depended on for our Faith, Hope, Love, health, needs, wants, peace, and joy. Never let anyone try to rob you of our victory and freedom in Christ by causing you to think that we must depend on ourself’s. That type of preaching is anti-christ. 

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