Tuesday, January 10, 2006

God's Word Is Fast Acting

"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and morrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

If you need an answer in your life right now, well here you go; the Word of God is quick! If you need some power; the Word of God is quick and the Word of God is powerful! If you need some discernment into a situation; the Word of God is quick as a discerner! The Word of God will absolutely and completely cover any situation that arises in your life, and it is complete and accurate, it never changes, and glory be to God, it is for all who come to it! You can absolutely 100% of the time rely on it. The Word is pure, the Word is God, and the Word is for all who desire it!

God's Word is powerful and His Word is living, because He is the Living God. Jesus has Anointed us with all of Himself so that we are able to take it to heart that God’s Word is QUICK! In the power of the Holy Spirit study this Truth, allow Jesus to permeate you with it, allow it to become one with you, and you will never be ashamed. The Word of God will defend us, it will comfort us, it will enlighten us, it will give us strength that is beyond human comprehension, and with faith, Authored and Finished by Jesus, it will take us into a place in God that few have dared to travel. However, all are freely invited to. We have been born from the very Seed of God, and our Father is the Great I Am! Who God is, and what He is, has been born into us, and through Christ we are now one with God in all of His forms: Spirit, Soul, and Body. We were originally created by God to be in His image, and Jesus has brought that power right back to us, taking back what satan had stolen! Wait until you see the verses that the Holy Spirit is going to have us study; if there is any doubt within you about who you are in Christ, the Word of God will quickly remove all doubt! I am not going to take a whole lot of time to try and defend God’s Word in these studies, because if you have been born again and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make Jesus your Lord and Savior, it will just ring true. If you haven’t, God’s Word will not fall void to the earth, it will quickly accomplish what He has intended for it to do!

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