Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Anti-Christ Has His Appointed Time

And now you know what is restraining him [from being revealed at this time]; it is so that he may be manifested (revealed) in his own [appointed] time. 2 Thessalonians 2:6

We are plainly shown that the anti-christ has his own appointed time. Our Father has a plan and a purpose for the end of this age of the earth. Mankind or satan are not in charge of bringing an end to the world. We also cannot stop it from happening. The date has been set for our Wedding Feast and it will come to pass on time and exactly as our Father has destined it to come. Our Father is in complete control of His creation. He owns the earth and He controls it.

Now what is exciting to me about these Truths is how many people are reading and studying the Book of Revelation right now. I am used primarily by our Father to go and teach at nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities. These facilities are filled with elderly, sick, and extremely handicapped people. Most of them are destitute as well. These people are not looked upon by the world as desirable prophets and teachers. Yet our Father is training them up and they are demanding that I keep studying Revelation with them. I truly believe that some of the greatest prophets of the end of this world will be those who have suffered the most and who the world will have a troubled time listening to.

These people do not ask me to study on healing or getting wealth. The Holy Spirit is driving them to study the Book Revelation. Our Father is moving! I do not believe that we are in the end times quite yet, but I do believe that God is training up His end time prophets and they are not who the world believes that they will be!

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