John answered, A man can receive nothing [he can claim nothing, he can take unto himself nothing] except as it has been granted to him from heaven. [A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven; there is no other source.] John 3:27
The Truth is glorious and the Truth is that we can we receive nothing and we can claim nothing, except if it has been first given to us by our Father. There is no other source for our strength except from God. Jesus tells us this Truth repeatedly through the Word. He showed us that some of us are given 1 talent, some of us 3, and some of us 5 in Matthew 25. Jesus showed us that some of us are called to work our whole lives for the Kingdom and some of us only for the end of it, Matthew 20. Jesus tells us that we can do nothing without Him, John 15:5. We are also shown by the Holy Spirit in Romans 12:3 that each of us has been given a varying degree of faith.
The point that is so glorious concerning this is: our Father has already decided how to use each of us. This means that there is no condemnation for us, Romans 8:1. Before we ever were, before the world ever was, our Father had a purpose and a plan of how He would use us to serve our Kingdom. Each of us is growing and all of us will grow stronger in Christ, but we do not have to take thought and always be fretting about how we are being used. The level of our service is not dependent on us, on our own strength, on our own determination, it is dependent upon our Father to cause us to be strong. If it were dependent on our abilities, then we could boast about what we have achieved. There is no boasting for us, and there is no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus.
Faith comes from hearing the Truth and the Truth is what sets us free.
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