Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Revelation 16:15-16

15 Behold, I am going to come like a thief! Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who stays awake (alert) and who guards his clothes, so that he may not be naked and [have the shame of being] seen exposed!
  • Things will seem very peaceful when all of this comes together. How else would Jesus come like a thief? If things were all physical hardships in Revelation, everybody would be looking for Jesus' return. But if these events are spiritual, then people will not be as aware of His imminent return. For Jesus to return as a thief, people during the end times will have to be enjoying prosperity and worldliness. Then if they are, they will as usual be paying more attention to their flesh then to their spirits. 
  • Think of a major war now and how people flood to church? If there is any natural disaster, war, or terrorist act, people all begin to talk about the end times.
  • These worldly things must first be removed for people to forget about our Father. The love of money is always the root of evil, so money must be abounding for the end times to be so evil.
  • We are told that we are to guard ourselves. The Truth is that we are not alone in doing this because greater is He that is in us, then he that is in this world. The Truth is that Jesus is our Shepherd. The Truth is that we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of our redemption. The Truth is that Jesus will not lose any of us that He has been given, so relax, we can't help but be guarded.  
16 And they gathered them together at the place which in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
  • Armageddon means invading mountain or range of hills.
  • Mountain in prophesy often times refers to a kingdom: Psalm 30:7, Isaiah 2:2
  • So all of the fallen angels, who have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit are all gathered along with the anti-christ, who comes from the Abyss, to attack the Bride. 
  • Think of the Tower of Babel here. Mankind was united without God and our Father ended the union. If the world comes together under the anti-christ and not our Father, our Father will end the union that man has made and bring it all under Jesus.
  • It sounds like Armageddon will actually be a place that our Father miraculously gathers these entities together at. 
  • Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left. Then they asked Him, Where, Lord? He said to them, Wherever the dead body is, there will the vultures or eagles be gathered together. Luke 17:36-37
  • So the angel swung his scythe on the earth and stripped the grapes and gathered the vintage from the vines of the earth and cast it into the huge winepress of God’s indignation and wrath. And [the grapes in] the winepress were trodden outside the city, and blood poured from the winepress, [reaching] as high as horses’ bridles, for a distance of 1,600 stadia (about 200 miles). Revelation 14:19-20
  • So it sounds like our Father gathers the fallen angels who have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to one place, Armageddon, and destroys them there.
  • This also may be a symbolic act. It really doesn’t matter whether there is one place or our Father just removes them from the world, because the end result is the same, our Father removes them from the earth. These fallen angels will no longer be allowed to attack the Bride and our guests.

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