Thursday, December 11, 2014

Revelation 16:17-19

17 Then the seventh [angel] emptied out his bowl into the air, and a mighty voice came out of the sanctuary of heaven from the throne [of God], saying, It is done! [It is all over, it is all accomplished, it has come!]
18 And there followed lightning flashes, loud rumblings, peals of thunder, and a tremendous earthquake; nothing like it has ever occurred since men dwelt on the earth, so severe and far-reaching was that earthquake.
  • The earth will be changed in a single moment at Jesus’ return. This is why we are shown the great earthquake, a change that has never been seen before.
  • Every eye will see Jesus' return, even those who are in Hades, Revelation 5:13.
  • Jesus’ rule will be absolute with a rod of Iron.
  • And He shall rule them with a sceptre (rod) of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and [his power over them shall be] like that which I Myself have received from My Father; Revelation 2:27
19 The mighty city was broken into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And God kept in mind mighty Babylon, to make her drain the cup of His furious wrath and indignation.
  • The power of the nations will end.
  • The rulers of the earth will cease to rule.
  • Babylon, which is the commerce, governments, and false religions of the world will forever end.
  • The city, the world, will be broken into three parts. 
  • The First part: the Bride (Those who have been transformed to be like Jesus), 1 John 3:2
  • The second part: those who will one day rise in rebellion when satan is released from the Abyss after 1000 years, those who have to be ruled with an Iron Rod, Revelation 20:8
  • The third part: those who will not follow after satan when he is released. Not everyone will follow satan at the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ.  

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