16 Holding out [to it] and offering [to all men] the Word of Life, so that in the day of Christ I may have something of which exultantly to rejoice and glory in that I did not run my race in vain or spend my labor to no purpose.
In verse 15 our Father wrote that we are in a dark world and we are. But that doesn’t mean that He will not use us to share the Word of Truth with all men, Mark 16:15. They may not all believe the Truth. They may harass us and even kill us for sharing the Word, but our Father will have us share His Truth, Ezekiel 36:27. Our Father will never allow us to live in vain. He will cause us to labor in righteousness. He will cause us to be more then conquerors through Christ, Romans 8:37. We are one with Jesus, Ephesians 5:30-32, how could we not be as He is, even when we are in this world, 1 John 4:17.
17 Even if [my lifeblood] must be poured out as a libation on the sacrificial offering of your faith [to God], still I am glad [to do it] and congratulate you all on [your share in] it.
18 And you also in like manner be glad and congratulate me on [my share in] it.
19 But I hope and trust in the Lord Jesus soon to send Timothy to you, so that I may also be encouraged and cheered by learning news of you.
20 For I have no one like him [no one of so kindred a spirit] who will be so genuinely interested in your welfare and devoted to your interests.
There is a strong belief with many in religion today and it is that we must be actively involved with a group of believers to be used by our Father in any real way or to gain any real understanding. But look here, Paul only had Timothy. Only Timothy shared a common spirit with Paul, these two were not meeting daily with an established group that they were part of. John too was alone on the Island of Patmus when our Father gave him the Book of Revelation. Jesus also spent time alone in the wilderness. Moses did as well. I write this because our Father has many of us right now by ourselves, on an Island per say. That is alright, our Father never leaves us or forsakes us, Hebrews 13:5. We do not have to be actively in a church to be with our Father. Many times we are lead to spend alone time with Him and there is no condemnation for us because of it at all, Romans 8:1.
21 For the others all seek [to advance] their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
22 But Timothy’s tested worth you know, how as a son with his father he has toiled with me zealously in [serving and helping to advance] the good news (the Gospel).
23 I hope therefore to send him promptly, just as soon as I know how my case is going to turn out.
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