26 For he has been [homesick] longing for you all and has been distressed because you had heard that he was ill.
27 He certainly was ill [too], near to death. But God had compassion on him, and not only on him but also on me, lest I should have sorrow [over him] coming upon sorrow.
Epaphroditus labored with Paul and Timothy. He worked with a anointed man of God that was used to miraculously heal the sick, Acts 28:8. Yet we are told here that Epaphroditus was deathly ill? I was raised in a full gospel type of church. It was always preached that we got sick because we lacked the faith not to believe that we could be well. It always came back to our ability to believe and accept the healing that was already given to us. While it was never directly spoken, there was a level of condemnation directed at you for being sick. The question is: is this type of teaching true?
And [yet] although my physical condition was [such] a trial to you, you did not regard it with contempt, or scorn and loathe and reject me; but you received me as an angel of God, [even] as Christ Jesus [Himself]! Galatians 4:14
Drink water no longer exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. 1 Timothy 5:23
Timothy, Epaphroditus, and Paul were all sick. The writings of Paul seem to show us that he and Timothy were often sick. Did that mean that they lacked faith? Some people may say that they did, but look at what the Holy Spirit had Paul write about being sick.
So for the sake of Christ, I am well pleased and take pleasure in infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, perplexities and distresses; for when I am weak [in human strength], then am I [truly] strong (able, powerful in divine strength). 2 Corinthians 12:10
Other then Jesus, Paul was used by our Father more then anyone else in the New Testament. Paul was sick, so sick, that at first his physical condition offended the Galatians. Yet, he was used more in the New Testament then anyone other then Jesus. To be powerful in the power of our Father, Paul had to be weak in the flesh. So he took pleasure in being sick. That is Holy Ghost inspired and empowered humility.
There is now no condemnation in Christ, Romans 8:1. Everything works for our Father’s power, even sickness. Our Father had a sick guy lay hands on the sick and they recovered. He had a sick guy spread the Gospel of the Kingdom all across the Mediterranean. Sickness only strengthened Paul. It made him love more and care more. The glorious Truth is that the Holy Spirit will cause us to take pleasure in all things as He uses us to take no thought for our own lives.
28 So I have sent him the more willingly and eagerly, that you may be gladdened at seeing him again, and that I may be the less disquieted.
29 Welcome him [home] then in the Lord with all joy, and honor and highly appreciate men like him,
30 For it was through working for Christ that he came so near death, risking his [very] life to complete the deficiencies in your service to me [which distance prevented you yourselves from rendering].
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