Saturday, October 11, 2014

Revelation 7:9

After this I looked and a vast host appeared which no one could count, [gathered out] of every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. These stood before the throne and before the Lamb; they were attired in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.
  • These verses show us just how powerfully our Father uses us during the end times. Look at all of the people who are glorifying our Father. 
  • These people aren’t praising God out of fear as they would have to do with a dictator. They are doing it like they did with Jesus. They have Palm branches, just like when the people celebrated Jesus. 
  • Notice we stand before the Throne, not on the Throne or in the Throne.
  • So this shows the power of the witnessing on the earth during the end times.
  • Just as Jesus was really powerfully used right before His crucifixion.
  • During the end times even Jewish people will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to accept salvation.
  • The Bible teaches us that right now the saved have been raised up together and made to sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6. The Truth for us is that salvation is for everyone right now, all nations, all tribes, and all peoples, so all that are saved are raised up and sitting with Jesus in Heavenly places right now. What John sees here in verse 9 does not mean that our physical bodies have to be in Heaven during this event. And actually they can’t be, because Jesus told us that our bodies would not be raised up until the last day, and He has shown us that many of our brethren still have to be killed during the Great Tribulation. Remember also that John was shown that the souls of those who are killed for the testimony of Jesus are under the Throne of our Father, waiting for the redemption of their physical bodies. So this vision of John has to be symbolic, showing that even though we may be dead, or alive in the world, we who are chosen, are all kings and priests right now. And regardless of where our bodies are physically, we are all considered by our Father to now be raised up together and one with our Lord and Savior!   
  • Also remember that we have been shown that there is a certain number of God’s elect that have to come into being before the Great Tribulation and the Wrath of God can begin.  

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