7 The first angel blew [his] trumpet, and there was a storm of hail and fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees was burned up and all the green grass was burned up.
- In prophecy hail represents Divine Judgment, Exodus 9:23.
- Fire represents judgment as well, but fire also represents the power of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Our Father’s judgment isn’t a bad thing. It's not bad because His Judgment sets us free. It cleanses us and the Holy Spirit is our Father’s power at work on the earth, Hebrews 12:11. None of our own works will ever be judged righteous, but thats OK, because Jesus’ works will and we get credit for His accomplishments.
- Tree’s represent great people in the prophecy, Daniel 4:20-22.
- Green represents kingship. So all of the leaders and so called important people of the earth are caught up in the wrath of our Father. This is why people shouldn't get all caught up in who are worldly leaders are, our Father has a plan and the plan is not worldly government taking care of us.
- These end time rulers and leaders will all be looking to Babylon, which is the worlds systems and economy for their salvation and thus enduring wrath.
- For all nations have drunk the wine of her passionate unchastity, and the rulers and leaders of the earth have joined with her in committing fornication (idolatry), and the businessmen of the earth have become rich with the wealth of her excessive luxury and wantonness. Revelation 18:2
8 The second angel blew [his] trumpet, and something resembling a great mountain, blazing with fire, was hurled into the sea.
- Mountain represents a kingdom. So a great kingdom is hurled into the masses of people and it blazes with fire. The Holy Spirit is Fire, so our kingdom will be right here in the mist of all of the end time’s events.
- But right along with our Kingdom and its power will come the anti-christ kingdom. This Kingdom is hurled, so it comes into power quickly. Jesus came on the scene quick, so will the end time church and the anti-christ’s church.
- Revelation 7:9, remember that out of every tribe and nation people will be clothed in White.
9 And a third of the sea was turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea perished, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
- If a 1/3rd of mankind actually died and a 1/3rd of all commerce ended, would men be saying peace and safety as 1 Thessalonians 5:3 tells us that they will be? Would they be partying like they were in the days of Lot, Luke 17:28? Would Jesus be coming unexpectedly as a thief in the night? So this must be spiritual and not physical for men to be caught off guard.
- Sea represents a group of people. Sea’s are smaller than Oceans. So not all people, but a group of people.
- A 1/3rd of mankind, or a 1/3rd of a group of these people will be deceived into trusting in wealth and the world during the Great Tribulation and endure the wrath of our Father. Now what is so cool here is only a third of mankind will be caught up in all of this, that means that 2/3rd’s of us will not be.
- Ship represents commerce, so a 1/3rd of commerce will be destroyed. If it was actually a 1/3rd the world would crumble and peace would not be spoken of. So this must mean that a 1/3rd will be taken over by the anti-christ and His kingdom.
- The Black Horse Rider was given a scale and we were shown that a measure of wheat will cost a whole day’s wages. So a small group of power will cause the Truth to be expensive. To seek the Truth will be frowned upon and aggressively attacked.
- Most of my life I was taught that all of these things that we have studied so far in Revelation were physical. But I do not believe that can be because Jesus tells us that He will come as a thief in the night. The world will be surprised at Jesus’ return and if all these things were physical then no one would be surprised.
- Remember that Jesus never changes. He taught in parables and it confused the non-believers. The Jews thought that He would come as a King, yet He was born of a Virgin in a manger.
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