Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught by Him, as [all] Truth is in Jesus [embodied and personified in Him], Ephesians 4:21
Here is what the Bible tells us about how we know that Jesus us Lord.
Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking under the power and influence of the [Holy] Spirit of God can [ever] say, Jesus be cursed! And no one can [really] say, Jesus is [my] Lord, except by and under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:3
The only way you and I know that Jesus is Lord is because our Father has allowed us too know that He is. Think about what we are told in the Bible. Our Father tells us that only a few of us are chosen to know this Truth right now, but all are still loved. We are told that we were chosen before we were ever born to know this and that because we have been chosen, we are to be used by our Father to serve. So we cannot boast and we cannot condemn because it was not on our own that we decided or chose.
We owe every last aspect of our relationship with God to God. He is the One Who has enlightened us. He teaches us. He empowers us. He causes us to remember everything that He has spoken. He intercedes for us. He gives us His gifts. He causes us to produce fruit and He is the One Who protects us and insures our success. So if someone doesn’t know the Truth, we are not used by our Father to condemn them, we are used to serve them.
Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God’s blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you]. Luke 6:28
But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head. Romans 12:20
I think that the above verses really show us who as truly been called to serve. Preacher’s should be invoking blessing and imploring our Father to forgive and intercede for the lost, especially the lost who come against us. If they are just pointing out their faults we should beware of them. Jesus would tell the leaders their faults to their faces and then raise their children up from the dead as they were cursing and plotting against Him. This is the same Spirit that now lives within us, so we too should mirror Jesus‘ actions.
Remember too that Jesus is our Shepherd, so He has each one of us exactly where He wants us to be right now. He will in a ll likelihood move us, but right now we are where we need to be.
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