Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
I really believe that when our Father allows us to see His Truth that we cannot help but to realize that we will always walk purposefully. We will because we are one with Jesus. We are as He is. He is greater in us than any evil that is in this world. We cannot help but to make the most of our time here on the earth because Jesus will allow nothing less. If we don’t make the most that would be an indictment on Him. Jesus is our Shepherd, our Head, our Vine, our Potter, and the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Jesus is responsible for insuring that the paths that have been foreordained for us by our Father to walk in are accomplished. You see we cannot help but to be successful. All things, whether we realize it or not, have happened for our good.
These days are evil, as all days have been evil. But we are in the Light and the Light will drive out all of the darkness. Jesus is returning for a glorious Church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. We will be used by our Father to do the works that Jesus did and even greater ones, because Jesus was that successful. Our Father will cause us to bless those who curse us, pray for those who misuse us, and He will cause us to forgive the sins of the perverse and wicked generation that He has destined for us to live in. Think of that Truth, we will be used to extend Grace that is completely undeserved to people who have no idea whatsoever that they are receiving it. They will not ask for it. They will not believe that they need it and yet they will be able to enjoy it for all of eternity as our guests.
Not everyone has been called to be the Bride of Christ, but all have been called to our Wedding Feast. Eternity will be filled with our guests. Some of them will have been good people and some of them will have been bad people while they were on this earth, but our celebration will be full of both, Grace is the power that will make it happen.
Also remember this Truth, we don’t have to take any thought whatsoever as to what we will say to people to make the most of every opportunity, because the Holy Spirit will give us exactly what to say at every moment. He will cause us to say it exactly as the person needs to hear it too. We cannot hear this enough, we cannot fail!
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