20 The fifth onyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
- Our Father had me study on the true meanings of these stones for days and to be honest I could not find anything that definitively described them or even came close to witnessing with my spirit as to what they actually mean when it comes to the foundation of the Wall of the New Jerusalem.
- We can be sure though, that our Father is not a wishy washy Father Who wastes His Words. I am sure that all of these stones mean something very specific and have a perfect meaning as to foundation of His protection for us in eternity. He just hasn’t shown me what those meanings are yet. If anyone has a good study I would welcome the information.
- Here is what kept coming to me as the Holy Spirit had me study their meanings: the High Priest wore a breast plate that had these stones in them. The stones were to represent each son of Israel, or the 12 Tribes of Israel.
- So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart when he goes into the Holy Place, to bring them in continual remembrance before the Lord. Exodus 28:29
- And onyx stones and other stones to be set for the ephod and the breastplate. Exodus 35:9
- The stones represented the 12 Patriarchs, so our Father would remember them in Judgment. Our Father would forgive the children of Israel, just as Jesus forgave on the Cross. The foundation of the wall in the New Jerusalem is forgiveness for many different people, tongues, and tribes.
- As I was praying the Holy Spirit reminded me of our study when He had us place all of the names of the 12 Sons of Israel in the order that Jesus gave them earlier in Revelation and what the names mean.
- When each one of these 12 children of Israel, the twelve sons of Jacob, were born, their mothers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, spoke out a saying about them. It’s really powerful when we put together all of those sayings that were spoken for these twelve children, in the order in which they are listed here by Jesus. Here is what those sayings proclaim:
- Praise God, He has seen my affliction, and His good fortune has come. I am happy blessed and to be envied, for God has seen my struggle and He has caused me to forget all of it. I was despised, but now the Lord (Jesus) is my husband and companion. God has given me my hire and my marriage gift, by taken away my reproach. And now I am seated as a son at His right hand!
- The Wall defines where and what eternity is, just as walls define where and what a city is. The wall protects as well and when you place all of the Names and their meanings of the Sons of Jacob, who was renamed Israel, you can see a picture of the foundation of our eternal protection and place with God.